Favorite Wears: Camo in the Westside

A little over a week or so ago, Nora and I ventured out to meet friends, Erin and Sandy for lunch down in the Westside of Kansas City. I love this area, for there are so many local joints with unique flavors and themes + a really cute street (though not a huge fan of the humongous piles of snow that made parking a beast, but ya know, come spring...). One of my goals for when eating out this year is to try new things, and go local! So on this particular day, we noshed at Blue Bird Bistro (where two years ago some of my friends hosted a baby shower for me when I was expecting Liam) and caught up about the world of blogging. It's good to have girlfriends who also blog... and therefore kind of understand this little world.
Anyways, after lunch, Erin and I hopped over to another local shoppe, Little Freshie, to <finally> try it out and give the cute little place a looksie. We each grabbed a drink (me - coffee, Erin - I think a soda of some kind) and then I drooled over their peanut cocoa spread - which now I need to go back to buy some (why didn't I get buy some?).
Hey Kansas City readers - any other great local places you recommend I check out? I have a few others on my list and reviews coming soon, but always looking to expand that list! Get out and support local!
{Outfit Details: Jacket - old via Old Navy; Sweater (under $15 + use code DEAL for 30% off); Camo - last year via Gap (similar here - use DEAL for 30% off); Boots; Necklace; Lips; Glasses}

^ My little peanut doll.