Coupons.com is kind enough to bring you this giveaway today for not just one lucky winner, but TEN! Five winners will receive a $50 Target e-gift card and the other 5 will receive a $50 Macy's e-gift card (a $500 value)...just in time for Mother's Day! Make sure to check out Coupons.com for great Target and Macy's offers!
You can enter this giveaway through Rafflecopter now through Sunday, May 12th on any of the participating blogs. Good luck and Happy Mother's Day to all your mamas.
Growing up, my mom never passed up a moment to have fun and cut loose. She always had fun in store for her family from the everyday simple things to the special occasions. While she was in the kitchen making dinner, she'd turn the tunes on and up and dance and sing, making cooking dinner fun (for everyone!). She also knew when to take her two girls and hit the mall for a special little shopping spree after a good week. I learned from all those little moments that life, especially fashion and how you express yourself doesn't have to be so serious. You can have fun in many of life's moments and something I'm constantly trying to hold on to in this crazy world.
In the spirit of mother's day, make sure to leave your mom's best advice she ever gave you (about anything!) in the comments below!
In the spirit of mother's day, make sure to leave your mom's best advice she ever gave you (about anything!) in the comments below!
You can enter this giveaway through Rafflecopter now through Sunday, May 12th on any of the participating blogs. Good luck and Happy Mother's Day to all your mamas.
Follow along here, too: