Nora loved altering between looking out the windows and watching the city pass by and people watching on the streetcar. She didn't love when people she didn't know sat too close... haha.
We rode the streetcar to the North Loop stop at 7th street and walked just up the street (about a block and a half) to the Homesteader Cafe for brunch. It was a cute place and made Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes with bacon for a mouth. The kids loved that, and Greg and I loved their biscuits and gravy!
After brunch, we waited for the streetcar to come back to our stop to continue heading north so we could ride through the north end of the route - through the River Market and complete the whole loop! The kids were on pins and needles waiting for the streetcar to come - trying to hard to spot it down the street.
{Outfit Details: Nora - Tank, Shorts c/o, Kitty Cat shoes c/o; Liam - Old T-shirt (similar!), Shorts, Sandals}
Hope you all had much better weather - but even despite our cooler temps and overcast skies, it was a nice break from the heat and we were still able to get out and have some fun (thankfully most of the called for rain held off!).