There are a lot of
weekends that we cram-pack full with checking off things on our to-do list,
exploring our city and going on seasonal adventures (Fall is a big season for
getting out and doing things like the Pumpkin Patch and Apple Picking and the
Holidays are event busier!), but this last weekend, fresh from a sleepless family
vacation, we took advantage of a slow morning — and an easy, no-hurry kind of
morning topped off with cinnamon rolls.
We popped Pillsbury™ Grands!Cinnamon Rolls in and let the oven do the work. Well, and my husband, who also
worked on our monthly supply of homemade waffles. A morning filled with
breakfast foods for hours is just the way I like it. But I specifically love
how easy it is to offer a sweet treat to my kiddos (or guests coming to visit
for the holidays) without having to spend too much time prepping in the
kitchen. I want to be able to actually enjoy the morning, too.
We were all
delighted by our slow morning, spending extra time in our PJs and preparing for
a busy week (month? season?) with one another. Here are a few photos from our morning
Who wouldn’t enjoy
a morning with cinnamon rolls, PJs and the home filled with that perfect spicy
scent? I know we enjoyed it, and I’ll be
stocking up on more Pillsbury™ Grands! Cinnamon Rolls for Holiday visitors and
more slow mornings to come!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored
by General Mills through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was
compensated to write a post about Pillsbury™ Grands!
Cinnamon Rolls, all opinions are my own.