This side-slit swimsuit cover up was all hand-beaded!
This headpieces is incredible. and I love the floral edges and inserts to this caftan - so unique!
Throughout her show, she had a green pallet mixed in and it had me jonesing for the beach big time. The last one above, with the crisscrossed neck has got to be mine.
This outfit was made for the ocean! This beautifully done two-piece set (sheer pant & open caftan) is very luxe looking to really make any one stand out on vacation!
I missed getting any shots of this dress in full, as my camera card was full. I managed to clear it out in time to capture this amazing mohawk headpiece (my fav one!) and the rest of the show. But this dress is so beautiful - you might have actually seen it on the KCFW billboards leading up to the event? You can see that billboard on Alicia's Facebook page here.
This caftan might have been my fav. The beading, floral back and sleeve edge, and deep v-neck would make this caftan transform from poolside to evening wear over a slip dress in a snap.
Freaking amazing. This sequin, ombre jumpsuit closed the show, rightfully so. Do you know how hard it is to make a full-sequin outfit? Me either - but it's got to be hard because I've seen a ton of sad attempts at it. But this? This was beautiful! People were whoo-hooing and clapping even louder on this one.
Congrats, Alicia! You just totally rocked it, and looked like such a veteran up there with such an entertaining and impressive show.