Finalllllllly the sun was out and the sky was blue! This past weekend, just in time for Easter Sunday, we were blessed with nice weather and spent the whole day outside looking for Easter eggs and running wild and free! Now let's just hope it comes back...
Here's a few shots from our Easter (and little Mr.'s FIRST hair cut).
I can't believe how old he is to need to have his hairs trimmed! It feels like just yesterday that he was bald, having lost all his newborn baby hairs just a month after his birth! I'll get you a better before and after soon... because the little trim really made a difference (and made him look like he is 5 years old, sniff sniff).
Outfit Details: Mama's Dress c/o London Times; Peplum Jacket - ASOS; Glasses - c/o BonLook; Flats - J.Crew Factory (similar); Necklace - Anthro; Lipstick - Cover Girl
Baby's Polo from H&M; White Linen Pants - Old Navy; Mocs - Freshly Picked
Hope your Easter was beautiful!
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