DailyBuzz Style 9x9: Month of makeovers
With a new year fast approaching, I can't help but think about starting new, getting refreshed and making a few changes! The first change I plan to make starting sooner than the new year: get on board {or in bed} with a better night sleep! I'm feeling rundown and like a lot, getting the less than ideal amount of sleep each night! By the time night comes, I'm rushing to get all I need to do for that day done, then taking it to bed with me, stewing over everything I must do the next day, making shut eye completely restless.
To help me get into a better routine, I'm starting with what I can easily control: my bedroom surroundings. For me, a messy, unorganized nightstand can have me up {of course just after I've gotten comfortable, again} grabbing various items I find I need and feeling stressed with disorganized just before I should be relaxing. So I've given some thought to making over my space and creating the perfect, yet streamlined, bedside table with the must have products to help kick start a total nighttime makeover.
For me, I want stuff easily accessible for when the mood strikes, so anything too simple won't work, but streamlined & organized is what I'm going to need to work on. Having drawers will {hopefully} help keep all the stuff organized and things I don't use regularly out of sight.
The stuff and why:
1. A good nightstand - one with clean lines and drawers to store {aka, hide} the stuff!
2. Sometimes at night, I feel my most inspired or remembered all the things I need to do. Writing them down helps get them off my chest, resting assure I'll be able to pick them up the next day. Plus a beautiful journal looks lovely on any nightstand {and makes a great gift}.
3. Appease the senses starting with smell. A lavender candle to induce relaxation.
4. Storage you can look at! Keeping miscellaneous items contained in a beautiful bowl for easy grabbing and keeping!
5. Let there be light, easily accessible to turn on or off with a lamp with a narrow base as to not take up a ton of table space.
6. Because sometimes at night I'm feeling inspired {a la #2}, love to flip through the latest magazine or table books which helps me ease away from other things on my mind, like work. Favorites: Domino, Lauren Conrad Style
& Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible
7. Those cuddled up in bed, last minute products... favorite lotion for any dry areas, Vaseline for my lips is a must have and overnight anti-aging face cream stay close by!
8. Little jewelry dish to keep your ring or earrings that you've hopped into bed with but find uncomfortable to sleep in. I like to keep my valuables close!
Once I have this new nighttime-ready surrounding off and running, I'll report back! In the meantime, do share your favorite things to keep by your bed? Or any bedtime routines that send you off into a peaceful slumber worth sharing?
//Inspiration photos via West Elm; Domino Files on Flickr; Elle Decor