Chasing Davies: DIY: More Petal Shirts

September 14, 2009

DIY: More Petal Shirts

Remember the petal corsage, J.Crew-knock-off T I made for myself the beginning of this month...?? Well, I made a baby T-shirt for my littlest, youngest friend. Sweet little girl turned 1 year old this month, so I wanted to make her something extra girlie and a little unique.

This time I added petals to the opposite bottom edge as well as to the top collar area, and I used a darker pink to contrast against the lighter pink.

I cut out a bunch of darker pink hearts from the extra shirt I bought.

Sorry for the blurriness

Took the first heart and started at the top, near the seam of the shoulder next to the collar and sewed in the center, folding the top over the bottom, as shown.

Add the other hearts all the way down as desired.

I promise to expand my DIY horizons out of sewing petals soon! :)