This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Office Depot, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #inspirestudents

1. Get off your devices and back to paper.
2. Reminder notes without causing more mess.
This is my new favorite thing to do! Instead of cluttering the house with more scraps of paper (ah hem, Greg), we can write important do-not-forget notes on the mirror in our bathroom with these fun Exon Neon Window Markers (great for white boards, mirrors or windows). Plus, I think Liam is going to enjoy playing with these once he's a wee-bit older.
There is always something we are forgetting - like stuff for one of the kids at daycare, or things to tote to work, even lunch! So now, as we're thinking about it the night before, we can write it down in plain sight. Or we can even use to write nice notes. :)
3. Easy access to notes, labeling and lists.
Using the same space (or in our case, a cart that can easily roll to anywhere I need it or out of sight into a closet), allows for easy access and quicker task-doing. We have to label Nora's bottles for daycare daily, for example, so we use masking tap and Paper Mate pens to complete the task. In the past, I've spent half the time it took to complete the task just looking for a pen.
I also have started to keep a note pad perfect for tracking grocery store needs in the same cart, usually located in the kitchen, so once we run out of something, we can add it right to the list before we forget. It's little things that can shave a lot time off chores and tasks that can't be avoided (but are less fun than other things in life...).
Now, tell me your organization secrets in the comments below! One thing I'm still trying to figure out is how to organize all the incoming mail. I'm pretty good about weeding through and recycling the junk mail right away, but the rest of it... It piles up and stresses me out!
P.S. Looking for a good deal on school/office/getting organized supplies? Save $5 Off your purchase of $20 or more on Select Newell Rubbermaid Brands (PaperMate, Expo Neon Window Markers, Sharpie, Uni-Ball, & Mr. Sketch). Additionally, weekly savings, like Sharpie Clearview Highlighter 3PK: $4, PaperMate Clearpoint 2PK’s: $3, Select Expo Chisel & Ultra Fine 4PK’s: $2 going on now through 9/6!