^^ Oh my goodness we loved those sweet giraffes (don't they seem like nice animals?). They moved so elegantly, nibbling on leaves - and then we saw a random Emu bouncing through their land.
^^ We got to see the seals being trained and doing ticks for fish. This was probably the longest Liam stood still, just watching the seals flip and flop, turn and fetch - it was pretty fun watching his little face study the situation.
^^ And you guys. We got to ride the train! Liam loves trains and it was a great way to see a lot a little more quickly, since wondering the zoo with two littles is a few hour affair and not a whole day (that you could easily spend) outing. Nora even perked up for the train ride, which was a great way to catch a breeze.
...and then she feel asleep!
^^ While Nora napped... we rode the merry go round, which I have to admit, I might have had more fun! I think Liam was more curious about how it was working! But he was pretty excited to ride the elephant!
^^ After some popcorn, we were all tired and it was time for our (late) afternoon naps! It was wonderful morning - always fun to see Liam learning, exploring and wondering!