As another month this year wraps up, I've decided to do a bit more reflection as time whizzes by (how is 2012 going so fast?!), so I am installing a monthly "Favorite Things" feature. Towards the end of each month I will just share with you a few things I particularly loved this month - big or small, experiences or physical goods, or whatever else strikes my fancy. I hope you'll enjoy and take a moment to reflect back on your own month!
And I'd love to hear what some of your favorite parts were from the past month, so comment and/or link up below!
Favorite Things of March
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And I'd love to hear what some of your favorite parts were from the past month, so comment and/or link up below!
Favorite Things of March
Berries. By the bowl full. Blackberries, blueberries and strawberries are making me happy. The perfect warm weather food and a sign of summer to come.
New Bracelet. And affordable. Gosh I love finding new shops, like Derng. I've been wearing this bracelet a lot, and love that it is gold with just the right amount of sparkle.
Mom's One Line A Day. To remember the small stuff or the overall gist of the day. I keep this little journal
next to my bed, so at night I can reflect. It's not overwhelming since there is only a small space to write for each day (for 5 years).
Sophie the Giraffe. I think my baby is going to be an early teether and thankfully, he's learned to soothe his gums recently by chewing on Sophie
Bath Time. Liam is so fun in the bath these days. He kicks his legs so hard to splash water all over and out of his little baby tube, then laughs all proud with himself.
What were some of your favorite things or moments in March?
next to my bed, so at night I can reflect. It's not overwhelming since there is only a small space to write for each day (for 5 years).
Sophie the Giraffe. I think my baby is going to be an early teether and thankfully, he's learned to soothe his gums recently by chewing on Sophie
Bath Time. Liam is so fun in the bath these days. He kicks his legs so hard to splash water all over and out of his little baby tube, then laughs all proud with himself.
What were some of your favorite things or moments in March?
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