One of my co-workers had a shipment of Forever 21 goods arrive - one of the items was a really cute chiffon black ruffle top. I commented on how cute it was. Couple days later, same friend/co-worker had to make a quick run to F21 and brought back said cute ruffle top...for me. I tried it on, it fit, I bought it from her. Talk about a personal shopper! :)
It looked like this top, but it was all black:

Another friend, co-worker and fellow blogger, Feasting on Life, ran up to a near by shopping area last Friday to get a dress for an event she had this weekend. They only had one size, and while it fit OK, she thought another might be better. She got it just in case and planned to go to another store after work. Well, in the meantime, I tried it on, and loved it. So...naturally I am buying it from her. Another personal shopper!
It's a black knit dress with embellished rosette neckline and was on sale from Ann Taylor Loft for $20! No longer available online.
And on the same day, Friday, another co-worker was wearing this white ruffle blouse:

So, since I was already there...I also got: